New items, more power! We've added new series of items including the Protector Helm, Comm Link types, Cloak Charger, new ammo types and more.
Check out the details below.
General Updates:
Adding offensive and defensive command module parts
Adding melee damage to Neo Cloak Charger (primary) parts
Adding 'Hammer Stasis Time' modifier to Hammer Charger parts
Adding 'EMP Stasis Time Bonus' modifiers to Neo Parts
Adding 'Protector Helm' parts
Adding 'Reaper Assault' Helm parts
Adding addition ammo parts, and new 'Stasis Ammo' legendary parts
Adding a legendary/epic properties for parts
Adding additional engine parts to fill level gaps
Adding Void Eagle nanoforge formula
Adding Void Shot Tracers to Void Collection Set
Update waves on "Running on Fumes" to include units that attack the player's fortress
Update unit attack waves on "Angel of Death" mission
Update Terrain on "Angel of Death" mission
Right clicking on market item will show all items by that seller
Add 'Craftable' icon and tooltips on item inspect
Buff damage numbers (x3) on Bomber Mantis Plasmids parts. Add an 'Epic Mantis Plasmids' part
Buff Bomber Bomb parts and add an 'Epic Advanced Bomb' part
Buff Bomber blades parts (2x damage) and add 'Epic Slayers Blades' l60 part
Slightly increased the time between enemy unit spawns in "Last Run" mission
Seeker hit points increased from 950 to 1150
Jammer move speed increased from 3 to 6
Gemini shot damage decreased from 100 to 80
Gemini carry weight decreased from 1300 to 1150
Gemini build time decreased from 8.0 to 7.5
Gemini build cost decreased from 7000 to 6000
Gemini aim turn rate increased from 80 to 95
Gangster upkeep increased from 1 to 2
Gangster HP decreased from 1600 to 1375
Blade Guardian can now hit targets while in air mode
Armadillo hit points increased from 850 to 950
Fix total wave display on "Running on Fumes" displaying 10 total waves instead of 9
Fix the Victory audio being played twice when completing "Last Stand"
Fix some floating assets in the "Site 52" missions
Fix right click inspect in vendor ui after inspecting a bundle
Fix for missing enemy units on minimap in some Wastelands missions
Fix bomber bombs ability charging & energy usage when used with a part/modifier that boosts charge speed.
Fix for Neo EMP triggering cooldown but not EMP attack/effect on triggering close to transform transition
Fix horns on Blue Skull pet
Fix honor badge trailing space
Fix for diamond bundles showing up in collection wish list
Fix cleanup of do not disturb state on the client
Fix barrel spin for Nexus Warthog robot mode
Don't toggle chat box if pressing enter while writing a mail message
Clear mini inspect dialog when you try to market list something